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a complete work in progress

a collection of poetry and prose

Exploring growth as both a homecoming and a natural disaster, lingering on the past while focusing on the future, a complete work in progress examines what it means to fall apart and put yourself back together.


With themes of grief, love, and mental health, Mahmud tells the story of coming-of-age as both magical and tragic. This debut poetry collection is meant for anyone who has felt their growth will never be complete. Continuously healing and re-opening wounds, Mahmud's voice guides readers through heartbreak, uncertainty, and ultimately self-acceptance. The poems are rich with nature imagery as well as a strong focus on scenery and the self.


Divided into three sections, readers will embark on a journey through breaking and discovering oneself before simply just being. In every stage of life, the only constant is yourself. The only constant is who you are today and the possibility of tomorrow. Ultimately, that is enough.

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One Year of

a complete work in progress

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